Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NuGet.Configuration

Total dependencies: 33

RocketMod .NET Game Server Plugin Framework Core implementations
A build automation system using C# build scripts.
NuGet's protocol-level base types used for connecting to API v2 and API v3 repositories.
NuGet's implementation for interacting with feeds. Contains functionality for all feed types.
Provides the NuGet based implemenations of the plugins infrastructure. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - NuGetPluginManager. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and application ecosys...
NuGet support for OpenMod
The core functionality of DotNet Outdated as a library which allows you to embed it into your own applications
Complete commands common to command-line and GUI NuGet clients.
The core functionality of DotNet Outdated as a library which allows you to embed it into your own applications
NuGet v3.0.0 visual studio types
NuGet version 3.0.0 client library.
NuGet Protocol v2
NuGet v3.0.0 core types
Deployment classes for Dropcraft, a NuGet-based deployment and application composition framework for .NET and .NET Core.
A Photon plugin for interacting with NuGet using the core libraries.
Provides base classes and functions for plugin discovery and loading from NuGet packages.
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides services for configuring the engine using configuration files and Roslyn.
NuGet Protocol for Visual Studio