Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Npgsql

Total dependencies: 794

Multi database connector, MsSql, MySql, Sqlite, Postgre and Oracle
Implementation of Butterfly.Db for Postgres
基础设施-数据访问类库 core Data Protection user Postgres Persist
Database access that just works - This package includes support for Postgre
Grible adaptor library for C# based automation frameworks
Postgres extension to Chronos, contains a postgres implementation of the bulk insert
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for PostgreSQL. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Postgres.
This is a fork by Claudio Barca of original code Dapper.SimpleCRUD written by Eric Coffman. This patch was required to insert tables with primary key named as "Id" but NOT autoincrement value. Simple Get, GetList, Insert, Update, and Delete extensions for Dapper. Uses smart defaults for a...
A PostGreSQL database module for the Nyan data service stack
Postgres implementation of IViewStore.
PostgreSQL provider for Entity Framework 5
A simple, fast and flexible data access library based on the Command pattern.
dotnet core DataAccess Component : postgre sql
NET-Database query layer components will be a useful addition to any application or website to create SQL queries to your database in a OO way. It supports the majority of different database types such as SQL Server® MySQL® o PostgreSQL®, but is easy extend to any ADO.NET provider.
Package Description
Beagle Framework is a database access technology for C#, extracted from Ultz Online for public use. This package binds Beagle to PostgreSQL
C# extension methods for querying, managing and migrating Postgres databases.
Core module to build apps with Itsomax.AppHost