Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL

Total dependencies: 464

Tools for EF Code First Support InMemory ; SqlServer ; PosqtgreSql ; Sqlite ; MySql ;
Provides some core functionality for migrations, e.g. EnsureDatabase
Package for Management of Users and Tenants
Set of classes used for Go app services.
Tools for Entity Framework Code First Support InMemory ; SqlServer ; PosqtgreSql ; Sqlite ; MySql ;
Long Running Process Execution in Dotnet. Runs long running processes in the background of your application allowing you to fire and forget any long running processes you may need to execute. The EntityFramework Migrations in Postgres for the SystemLog database.
Base Api framework for games hosted using the gameteki platform
Quest core library
Fluent Core Data Provider
The libraries to host BaGet on PostgreSQL.
Long Running Process Execution in Dotnet. Runs long running processes in the background of your application allowing you to fire and forget any long running processes you may need to execute. The EntityFramework Migrations in Postgres for the Task database.
Helper for runing Stored Procedure against a Postgresql database
Woodman.EntityFrameworkCore.Bulk provides bulk operations for SQLServer, Npgsql, and In Memory Entity Framework providers.
EFCore persistence library, abstracting and simplifying dbcontext Postgres database integration
PostgreSQL database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
Postgres database provider for OpenEventSourcing.
Package Description
Package Description