Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Async and Task Helpers

Total dependencies: 240

Compact, simple and powerful asynchronous .net standard library for events bus (also know as subscribe/publish events pattern)
sync / async lock for individual separate key
A CSV data extension for the Reportr framework.
Provides PDF to Bitmap functionality using PDF.JS and PuppeteerSharp in the background. The aim is to be open source, create high quality and accurate images, work relatively quickly and (hopefully) be fully cross-platform.
FBox platform SDK implementation
Clients that communicate with a standard DNS server or a DNS server over HTTPS.
Core functionality of CareOtter's Service Fabric utility library.
Localizr is a helpful library when managing various text resources type (resx, json, xml, database, etc), from various origin (assembly, web service, database, etc), for various cultures, and all mixable.
A smart set of common classes, extension methods and implementations to improve your development productivity using .NET Core
This is experimental playground for event-driven-thinking mindset. Designed for WPF applications.
This is experimental playground for event-driven-thinking mindset.
API for basic caching operations
TransactTcp is a tcp communication library that allows thread-safe message-based communication between two tcp sockets. It supports automatic reconnection between peers and keep alive manamgement.
Package Description
A pure .Net managed API for interfacing to Apple/Bonjour's mDNSResponder service to enable DNS Service Discovery.
Abp Vnext 分布式缓存组件 1.去除多租户依赖 2.移除自动Key前缀添加