Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

A .NET library for parsing incoming Postmark mail messages.
Arcanum.NsJson provides json serialization based on Newtonsoft.Json. It is less flexible, but higher-level and more functional.
Package Description
Arcanum.NsJson.ContractResolvers is part of Arcanum.NsJson distribution that provides json contract resolve framework.
Package description
A C# wrapper for the Medium API
Plotly.Sharp provides a strongly-typed binding that generates embedded HTML using Plotly.
基于C# .net 4.7模板引擎
Exporter to interactive charts (uses Highcharts) for BenchmarkDotNet.
API do PontoMais em .net standard
The last missing piece (o.s.) in your middleware
JavaScript AST Parsing, Optimization, Mangling, Bundling, Printing also with SourceMaps
Pos2Pos Remote Pay
PrizmDoc .NET REST Client HTTP client designed to simplify interactions with PrizmDoc Server. Specifically: 1. Automatically handles affinity concerns 2. Provides a way to easily poll for process completion NOTE: This is a low-level library intended for people who want to make RES...
SDK that allows merchants to receive, send, check transaction status, and perform lots of payment transactions.
MY Package description
A collection of awesome string extension methods.
OMDB_API_Wrapper is an easy-to-use RESTful API wrapper/client for the Open Movie Database API ( This API wrapper focuses on being simple to use, efficient and respects the terminology used in the OMDB API documentation.