Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Parses Language headers and uses a configuration file to determine code to use.
JSON ORM is an open source very lightweight framework developed on top of The Idea is to make json more quickly and easily implementable manage local storage as json.
Ivona REST API C# implementation.
HTTP GRIP library for .NET
Restcoration adds attributes that enable classes to be used for easily fetchable rest requests, in a domain-driven fashion.
Paymill implementation for .NET.
Helper library for Box cloud storage integration.
Helper library for Dropbox cloud storage integration.
Helper library for Egnyte cloud storage integration.
Controller.js creates a simplified way to transport Data View Models from an ASP.NET MVC Controller to a JavaScript controller or simply execute a specific JavaScript for individual controller actions.
Call Recording and Stubbing or Playback Core functionality
BlueprintApiTransformer takes a JSON string and generates ApiObjects with Request and possible Responses. Can be used in conjunction with BluePOCO T4 Transformation to generate POCOs.
System for simply and easily exposing pocos as RESTful webservices with automatic generation of both .Net and Javascript clients
Binary Version Handler is a HttpHandler in C# which shows versions of binaries used by currently running ASP.NET application.
Client library of Thinktecture.IdentityModel. Includes OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client and helpers for parsing token and authorize responses, Epoch Time helpers, extensions methods for HttpClient.
.NET client library for the Netflix Suro service (
An unofficial Kickstarter API
Implementation of a application/json-home
A back-port of the SignalR client to .NET 3.5. It relies on the TPL nuget package and some simple shims to bridge the framework gap. Use version 1.1.4 for the SignalR v1.x server. Built from 2.0.0