Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Collection of methods, classes and helpers to simplify recurring standard actions
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
Server side support for jqGrid in ASP.NET Core that uses Newtonsoft.Json.
内存对象数据库,内存中对象,自动同步到磁盘文件中,重启后,对象不丢失 100万个对象,写入时间大约1.7s
EonLib core components (level B).
EonLib core components (level A).
.Net Core Class lib for authenticating against crpt servers with given certificate.
Common data model library for Revolution Platform.
A .NET Core Host friendly Slack API client
JSON executor for executing test cases through JSON configuration.
Azure Function Bus
TrueCommerce Integration Gateway common dll
DeedQuant.Exchange 旨于实现一套统一的基于 .net/c# api 的加密货币交易平台接口封装,支持REST和Web套接字
Implementaciones predeterminadas para manejar la información de la identidad de las aplicaciones para la autenticación al Servicio de Aspen.
Safe Browsing.NET is an opinionated .NET implementation of the Google Safe Browsing API.
The serialization module support JSON (Newtonsoft Json.NET or Jil), XML, BinaryFormatter or ZeroFormatter serialization. You can also define your own serialization component and register it into SerializerFactory.
百度UEditor图片、文件等上传所依赖的后端服务,支持.Net Core 2.0+以及.Net Framework 3.5+,简单易用,文档优秀,速来尝试。 任何问题或建议,均可在码云提交Issue,我们尽可能第一时间处理:
A Service approach to web socket in .Net Core.