Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

.NET Library to simplify automation of your Rachio smart spinkler controller.
OWIN middleware for working with session-cookie and session properties
.NET Standard library for easy access to the Rainwave API
Contains various extension methods and supporting classes for System.Net (Cookies, UrlBuilder, HtmlDecode, etc)
Contains geocoding libraries that support most of the plain providers (google, yahoo, etc.)
Contains an implementation of a Reader/Write sink for AzureDocumentDb for the Invisionware Settings Library
In short, it enables the ability for POCO's to NOT have to inherit from TableEntity by saving them as JSON blobs and allows for secondary indexes to be defined via a contextually managed set of Index Name Keys (used as the Table Partition Key). 1.2.0 -- Fixed bug that was introduced in the last rel...
Базовые компоненты для разработки сервисов Web API.
Provides the ability to execute job schedules.
An ASP.NET MVC C# area that provides a dashboard and logviewer to ELMAH loggings on SQL Server. This package contains only sourcecode, no assemblies. It use d3 javascript library to draw chart. It is based on Arebis.Web.Mvc.ElmahDashboard
Extension for the Ximo toolset using EntityFramework. Suggested implementations of repositories, unit of work, and event sourcing are included.
* Allows you to Subscribe to a queue instead of polling it in a busy loop. That is, you provide a delegate function in “Subscribe” method and this callback will be invoked every time a new message is added to the queue. This library will also handle serialization and deserialization for your objects...
StackExchange.Redis extensions tool. Easy use redis in core.
Library contains set of actions and assertions used to configure Wiremock application.
Library contains set of actions and assertions used to create System tests and Component tests for microservices.
ReCloud Core Class Library
To allow a connection to a Web API using an abstract class. REST service made to save time for later projects.