Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Health-check middleware for ASP.NET Core applications. The endpoint reports the state of the probes created by Greentube.Monitoring packages like Redis, MongoDB, SQL Server, HTTP calls (i.e: REST services) and more.
-easy reading an writing data -supported formats: Csv, Fixed, Sql, Xml, Excel, Access, ADO (Oracle SqlServer, PostGre,...) -supports streaming an pipelining
AIStudio is a desktop “AI Editor” application for designers and developers. It enables the rapid creation, deployment and management of complex personality based AI conversations. The AIStudio Adapter for WPF enables you to quickly build, test and deploy an AI host directly into a .Net solution that...
An component oritented document static HTML document generator. Combined with WKHTML2PDF, an ideal reporting engine.
The SnelStart B2B API .NET client is an open source client library for the SnelStart B2B API.
Light-weight framework for building micro services
Add support of JSON protocol for Tx Envelope model.
A csharp adapter for apache storm.
PinballApi - .NET API for pinball data. Includes API Client wrappers in .NET for the IFPA, OPDB, IPDB and MatchPlay.
Defectively .NET Standard Library
Simple Json ORM. FrwSimpleJsonORM implements basic CRUD Functionality (create, read, update, delete). Data and user settings stores in fast JSON file storage. Part of SimpleWinCRUD project - the Open-Source Library for quick WinForm CRUD application creation
Azure Event Hub logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Contiene el manejador de cache para Redis, usando como base el paquete DeltaUniverse.DeltaCache
Alibaba Cloud SDK for .NET
A full featured implementation of the API reference.
Microservice framework with powerful service discovery using Consul
Microservice framework with powerful service discovery using Consul