Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

This is Elision Web Forms for Marketers feature package allows you to submit custom forms to Web Forms for Marketers allowing full control of markup and logic.
Package Description
Core (and Seedwork) tools for Microservices designed software architecture
.NET Standard 2.0 library for creating C# model classes for use with an external GraphQL API
A .NET client for Butterfly.
HMEFramework for .net core
Package share by ichiba core 3.1 use: services.AddFileLog(t => { t.LogDirectory = Configuration.GetSection("Log:LogDirectory").Value; t.SettingsPath = Configuration.GetSection("Log:SettingsPath").Value; t.LogRequestPath = Configuration.GetSection("L...
This is a sdk for calling hangfire by remote 这是一个通过远程调用hangfire的sdk
FileCop Rest API Library
Simplifies the usage of configuration settings between servers
Complex C# library for Realtime Database
Provides an ApplyChanges extension method for DbContext that sets EntityState on trackable entities, so they can be saved in a single transaction as part of a batch update.
Localization plugin for Xamarin and Windows
Ship your next title faster with HiveMP. With everything from multiplayer APIs to business tools, HiveMP supports you through from development to release. This is the official .NET SDK for HiveMP. It supports .NET 3.5 and .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET 4.6.1, .NET Core 2.0, Mono 5.4, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin ...
Newtonsoft.Json serializer for STRHM ( Strongly typed implementation for Redis StackExchange client, when using hashset functionality ).