Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Base framework for Virteom Android apps
tzxx web development sdk
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
Simple Notifications Provider for SparkPost email delivery service
Use MessagePackSerializer Object to byte[]
Open source one-time secret sharing tool
A Owin Selfhost Console App running a browsy package with internal controller and web resources.
An F#-idiomatic Library for Elasticsearch, including an F# DSL representation of the Elasticsearch Query Model, and F# modules for searching and indexing documents as well as creating and maintaining indexes.
Phone Manager Personalisation Groups plugin is an Umbraco package to add a Phone Manager criteria item to the Personalisation Groups package. Using this it is possible to personalise your site based on the selected Phone Manager campaign.
Umbraco Phone Manager is an Umbraco package to manage and display marketing campaign phone numbers on your site to your customers. Based on various criteria, a relevant telephone number can be automatically displayed to each customer visiting your website based on how they got there.
.NET Core library for CQRS and Event Sourcing.
An enterprise Tag Helper Library for Keenthemes Metronic (Version 5) - The most complete & trusted mobile-first and responsive Admin Theme.
Contract for the Lykke.Service.PayInternal
Provides diagnostics capabilities, including a well-known endpoint for a subscribing ASP.NET Core application which outputs diagnostic and health-related information.
Pdf, Ocr, Document SaaS-Api - fast and easy to use expert functionality
Allows BaristaCore to be used in conjunction with ASP.Net core to provide Azure Functions or AWS Lambda like functionality within your own web application. For more information, visit the wiki at
Allows BaristaCore to be used in conjunction with ASP.Net core to provide Azure Functions or AWS Lambda like functionality within your own web application. For more information, visit the wiki at