Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on This utils library contains ultility functions and helpers (e.g. string, bytes, hash, modular).

Total dependencies: 18

Helps to organize a service structure and architecture to simple and elegant styles.
Enrich the set of AspNetCore libs from Microsoft.
This template needs for the host which intents to use RDBMS with EfCore in mind.
This template needs for the host which intents to use RDBMS with EfCore in mind.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol.
This library contains some of utility tools that is to help for boost up the generic host with gRPC protocol.
Supports base infrastructure in the library.
Helps to add Generic Repository and Unit of Work defaults for a service.
Helps to attach the default Swagger and SwaggerUI for a service.
Supports DDD style with event approach in the library.
The MySQL database default for NetCoreKit.Infrastructure.Mongo
Helps to add more functionalities such as home route, db-migration route, system info route,... for Cloud Native .NET Core Kit.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol with MongoDb.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol with EfCore.
This library contains some of utility tools that is to help for boost up the generic host with gRPC protocol.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol with MongoDb.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol with EfCore.