Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Neo4jClient

Total dependencies: 28

Use POCO classes in the Neo4jClient library, ORM style. Annotate with System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema attributes. Supports Complex Types too.
A polymorphic JsonConverter and extension methods for Neo4jClient
Repository Abstraction for the Neo4jClient Library
A ApprovalTests.Net reporter and approver to be used to unit test Neo4j with the Neo4jClient .net client
Neo4j implementation of the RevStackCore repository/graph pattern
An abstraction for the initialization of Neo4jClient
Neo4jClient with F# quotations
Neo4J Membership provider. Using a graphdb for your membership is the right way to start your project. For setup instructions please see github:
A Neo4j based identity provider for ASP.NET.
Neo4j Storage for Typeless.ResourceAccess
This library aims at pushing a complex graph of entities into a Neo4j database by matching objects with nodes, and navigation properties with relations.
A type provider for providing the schema of a Neo4j database, and proxies for it's Nodes
Neo4j Graph Database stores and services for IdentityServer3
Neo4j database ASP.NET Identity Provider based on the Neo4jClient, and Neo4jClient.DataAnnotations projects.
Identity implementation for the .Net Core Identity using the Neo4jClient package
A NetStandard 2.0 Neo4j based identity provider for ASP.NET.
A collection of operators that can help write a Neo4j Cipher query using the natural syntax (or as close as possible) without resorting to too many magic strings.
Neo4j UserStore for Asp.Net Identity
Schema management extensions to Neo4jClient. Adds ability to drop all indexes and list all indexes
Extending the awesome Neo4jClient, provides just the attributes required by Neo4jClient.Extension to allow class libraries to remove dependency on Neo4jClient