Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Nancy

Total dependencies: 295

Cassette integration into the Nancy web framework
Enables C1 functions to be written as Nancy Modules.
Query helpers and extensions for NHibernate with Nancy.
This assembly allows you to easily create Nancy metadata modules that will generate documentation in swagger format
Use React.js as view engine in Nancy.
netDb Web Framework
Nancy.BundleIt minifies, obfuscates, concatenates, caches and versions all of your Javascript and CSS files.
A ViewEngine for Nancy that uses all installed Veil parsers. Note: You must also install a Veil syntax parser.
Provides an integration that enables LightInject to be used as the IoC container in the Nancy web framework.
A tool for managing Aras Innovator installations focusing on improving the import/export experience.
Nancy integration for NotDeadYet.
Adds JSON Patch functionality to Nancy
Nancy response helper for Giger
A Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF2) bootstrapper for the Nancy web framework.
Nancy plugin that makes wiring rollbar up very easy.
Nancy host helpers for Frankenwiki
BamPi is a .NET library for quickly creating a REST API based on a existing model.