Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NLog for .NET Framework and .NET Standard

Total dependencies: 2160

1.Nlog設定 需注意dbProvider區段的sqlite的Version及PublickenToken是否與目前版本相符。 2.LogSimple NlogHelper.systemLog.ErrorException("EditError", ex); 3.Nlog.Config 可設定throwExceptions="true"方便查詢設定是否正確
This adds the ability for Batman to interact with local files as well as urls.
Logs all NLog logs to a WPF RichTextBox. Can specify own control, or one will be automacially created in a new window
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to use NLog as the logging library.
Jérôme Malherbe common extensions library.
A simple library of PostSharp aspects
Configure NLog logging using configuration files in Blob Storage.
Application service client library.
Database in a xml format
Automatically manages user settings for C# .NET projects
NLog.GrowlTargets compaible with NLog >= v2.1 t
Basic library for software development