Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NLog for .NET Framework and .NET Standard

Total dependencies: 2160

NLog connector targeting Loggly. For usage see the project home page.
NLog extensions for xUnit test output
An NLog Target for MongoDB 2.0 Driver persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 2.0
A simple logging library.
A helper class with console arguments parsing, log initialization, configuration file loading. Uses NLog for logging.
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
NLog target that writes to Azure Event Hubs.
Targets for mongo db include usual, capped and ttl collections
A simple Nlog / OWIN log factory adapter
Extends ExceptionLayoutRenderer, EventPropertiesLayoutRenderer, AsyncTargetWrapper and provides ExceptionUnwrapper
Wire up your logging with the NLog logging framework.
Convert a variety of file types to PDF using OpenOffice v4.1.2
Client assembly for CrashReport logger
Use NLog to write to an Azure Table partitioned by year and month.
The client gives possibility to make authenticated requests to the Ambisafe Keyserver.
NLog target for ElasticSearch 2.0, Forked from
.NET Core
Sooda is an object-to-relational mapping (O/R Mapping) software for the .NET environment. It lets you automatically generate an object-oriented data access layer (DAL) for your application. Instead of writing SQL code, you can now focus on writing business rules in object-oriented .NET languages. S...
NLog target for sending logs to SignalR groups
NLog target to create GELF messages and send them via UDP to Graylog2.