Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NLog for .NET Framework and .NET Standard

Total dependencies: 2160

Library that uses C# to connect to Smartsheet services.
Application Insights NLog Target is a custom target allowing you to send NLog log messages to Application Insights. Application Insights will collect your logs from multiple sources and provide rich powerful search capabilities. Privacy statement:
APPSeCONNECT software development kit. This package will help you to develop connectors for APPSeCONNECT platform.
KickStart Extension for NLog
Synchronize/Replicate database changes using SQL Server Change Tracking
Simple generic SOLID netstandard2.1 architectural framework that will be CRUD and map for you.
Extention for base methods
Implement NLog various extension of Targets and Layout Renderers to use in .NET Core App(1.x ~ 2.x). Supported platforms: - .NET Standard 1.6 - .NET Standard 2.0 - .NET Core 1.0 ~ .NET Core 1.1 - .NET Core 2.0 ~ .NET Core 2.2
Basic components to practice the MVVM pattern in application development.
Simple logging and enhancements for existing logging frameworks.
Command line tool that post processes XML documentation files to support an <inheritdoc /> tag allowing inheriting XML comments from base types, interfaces, and similar methods. Works with .NET Framework, .NET Standard, and .NET Core projects. See the separate InheritDocLib NuGet package for a progr...
TESSA core library for extensions, applications and services.
Configured host, with generators, modules for logging, console and config
.NET WPF component for virtual keyboards.
A yet-another .NET RESTful library.
NlogViewer is a ui control library to visualize NLog logs
IPBan is the leading solution to block hackers and botnets. Easily monitor events for all kinds of sources and put the bad ip addresses in the firewall automatically.
classes supporting IO operations