Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment by offering LightBDD.Framework features on top of NUnit 3 testing framework. High level features: * user friendly bdd scenario definitions; * test execution tracing and time measurement, helpful during longer test execution; * Xml/H...
OsmSharp an OpenStreetMap (OSM) library for .NET. is the .net version of the docopt python beautiful command line parser. helps you define an interface for your command-line app, and automatically generate a parser for it. is based on conventions that have been used for decades in help messages and man pages for pr...
Assembly providing DirectX - XAudio2, X3DAudio and XAPO managed API.
Assembly providing DirectX - XInput managed API.
Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such frameworks on top of Machine.Specifications by helping to reduce a lot of the typical fake framwork related clutter code in specifications. If you choose so, Machine.Fakes even helps you to stay mostly independent of a concrete fake framework by p...
Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such frameworks on top of Machine.Specifications by helping to reduce a lot of the typical fake framwork related clutter code in specifications. If you choose so, Machine.Fakes even helps you to stay mostly independent of a concrete fake framework by p...
Efficient state machines for .NET with both synchronous and asynchronous support
Enriches Serilog events with information from an assembly. The package includes SourceSystemEnricher and SourceSystemInformationalVersionEnricher.
Parses OpenSSL public and private (rsa) key components and returns a X509Certificate2 with RSACryptoServiceProvider.
Google Compute Engine Metadata v1 client library
Movesense API for Xamarin
SPICE netlists parser for .NET
DbUp makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases by running change scripts. This is the core library and should be used in conjunction with the database specific package (eg dbup-sqlserver, dbup-mysql)
Google APIs Client Library for working with Servicebroker v1alpha1. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5+ - .NET Standard 1.3 and .NET Standard 2.0; providing .NET Core support. Legacy platforms: - .NET Framework 4.0 - Windows 8 Apps - Windows Phone 8...
Package Description
Writes lightly-structured MySqlConnector logging output to NLog.
armut iyzipay api .net client
Library for advanced formatting of console/terminal output. Format output like HTML using either .NET DSL (like LINQ to XML), or XAML with bindings (like WPF). Supports paragraphs, lists, grids, Unicode formatting, drawing, export to various formats and much more.
Logging Abstractor is a library for .NET that allows you to swap out logging providers with ease.