Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

This library contains a runtime environment for executing HL7 FhirPath queries and invariants. It is used by the Firely .NET SDK to run validation for the HL7 FHIR object model.
Amazon Lambda .NET Core support - Core package.
Enums.NET is a high-performance type-safe .NET enum utility library
Expression-based event filtering for Serilog.
Commonly used models, enumerations and types.
Dependency injection extensions for Correlate.
Correlate requests between microservices using a correlation ID.
Syncfusion Essential XlsIO is a .NET Standard Excel library that allows to create, read, and edit Excel files in .NET core application without Microsoft Office dependencies.
Syncfusion Word library is feature-rich and high-performance .NET Word library that allows you to create, manipulate and convert Word documents (DOC, DOT, DOCM, DOTM, DOCX, DOTX, RTF, and WordML), TXT, and HTML files.
Contains general interfaces and classes for working with FHIR data, regardless of FHIR version or POCO's
Interfaces and classes to work with FHIR data without using POCOs, in concert with the Hl7.Fhir.Serialization assembly.
Generates a POSIX time zone string from standard time zone identifiers.
Pulumi fork to override DefaultRecursionLimit - C# runtime library for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.
Provides abstractions to correlate requests between microservices.
.NET / .NETStandard - library for targeting .NET applications
NSwag: The OpenAPI/Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
gRPC C# Server Reflection
JSON Schema reader, generator and validator for .NET
JSON Schema reader, generator and validator for .NET
An FTP and FTPS client for .NET & .NET Standard, optimized for speed. Provides extensive FTP commands, File uploads/downloads, SSL/TLS connections, Directory listing parsing, File hashing/checksums, File permissions/CHMOD, FTP proxies, FXP transfers, UTF-8 support, Async/await support, Powershell su...