Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

PhantomNet.AspNetCore.Mvc class library
PhantomNet.AspNetCore.IdentityAccount class library
PhantomNet.AspNetCore.Dashboard.Views class library
Library for creating a virtual playing card deck to draw standard playing cards from. Visit the GitHub repository for more information.
A fork of BigMath.PCL for .Net Standard. .Net Standard library for computations with big numbers such as Int128, Int256 and BigInteger.
A library for encoding, decoding, and manipulating audio files from video games.
Provides execution plan testing for Postgres. This allows you to unit test the `CommandBuilder.CommandText` property by actually sending it to the database and running an explain plan.
Compiled static object model of Amazon Alexa Request/Response specification. For more information:
Lightweight template engine for rendering elaborate emails using Json data.
Package Description
Immutable persistent collections, algebraic sum-type aka descriminated union, Ref type and supportive extensions for performant functional programming in C#. Split from the DryIoc:
KaosCollections is a .NET library that provides generic collection classes for storing elements that are both sorted and indexed. Two of these classes emulate Microsoft's SortedDictionary and SortedSet while delivering superior performance and greatly enhanced capability. Also included are sorted ba...
GeoAPI.NET project provides a common framework based on OGC/ISO standards to improve interoperability among .NET GIS projects.
DataAccess Extension For Orm Bara.
Implementations of retry strategies for YuKu.Retryable.
Allows to retry failed tasks using custom strategies.
Package Description
Package Description