Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MySql.Data

Total dependencies: 1274

Database migration tool
Yari for MySql databases. Easily execute mysql stored procedures and functions from the browser; just deploying a single method Web.API service. Also useful to create a Data Access Layer for mysql in any .net core application
Additional functionality for working with an Umbraco database
Dashing.Cli is a command line tool for migrating database schemas
.Net Core 2.0 SqlSugar ORM ,High-performance, lightweight
XBodhi 框架的数据访问的MySql库
imbACE is all about rapid console application development – any kind of console application. The main use case is: development of your research-specific console application/tool for automated experimentation, data processing and reporting. It contains several user input/output systems, parallel and ...
Phone Manager Personalisation Groups plugin is an Umbraco package to add a Phone Manager criteria item to the Personalisation Groups package. Using this it is possible to personalise your site based on the selected Phone Manager campaign.
Umbraco Phone Manager is an Umbraco package to manage and display marketing campaign phone numbers on your site to your customers. Based on various criteria, a relevant telephone number can be automatically displayed to each customer visiting your website based on how they got there.
Pacchetto contenente le dll per lo sviluppo dei verticali di piattaforma - CHIAMATE INTERNE -
This package adds Phone Manager Field types to Umbraco Forms.
A custom Umbraco Forms workflow to allow users to save a new marketing contact to a Bronto ( contact and associated list, using the Bronto SOAP Api. The workflow allows mapping between Bronto fields and the Umbraco form fields.
Dijing.Common is a common extension library for .netcore
imbACE.Core is foundation of imbACE (Advanced Console Environment) console application framework. It provides base application, components & plugin classes, ACE Script execution & command-tree management (reflection, model construction, user reference auto construction) and several side functionalit...
OhioBox.Storage integration with Moranbernate ORM
Provide a custom IDbProfiler implemenation that can capture sql command executed against a database and some utility methods around MiniProfiler components. This package is dedicated to work with MySQL by providing a factory to initialize MySQL connection
Projeto com classes utilitarias para trabalhar com banco de dados