Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MVVM Light libraries only

Total dependencies: 100

[codingfreaks] WPF utility library
A .Net Framework library, for use in WPF, for controlling the 'Busy' state gracefully. It aims to be simple with one main class that provides a Boolean value for busy which should be used in conjunction with the Xceed Toolkit BusyIndicator or similar control. This class is responsible for managing t...
A radio app allowing you to quickly and easily listen to Danish radio on your phone.
WP7Contrib messaging extensions for MVVM light framework, contains custom implementations of MVVM light messenger classes. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Messaging.dll
A contrib project for MVVM Light, adding support for coroutines and a screen conductor.
Provides the Device, ReceiverBluetoothService and SenderBluetoothService classes for help to use 32feet.Net in WPF applications that implements the MVVM pattern.
WPF MVVM Navigation Service
This is a custom library used by Scott Lovegrove in his Windows Phone apps.
A UI library
The WPF Rees.UserInteraction framework.
Simple MVVM framework based on MVVM Light for Xamarin Forms
Lots of goodies to speedup Metro devepolment
Mvvmlight extension. Auto registry ViewModel, Service (If class name end with 'ViewModel' or 'Service') Add Navigate, Rest Service, Helper, Database, LocalSetting and Converter. - Update Database Extension (Support Insert, Select, Delecte with List)