Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Moq: an enjoyable mocking library

Total dependencies: 598

A mocking library that creates LazyCache IAppCache system mocks using Moq.
Easy Mock wrapper for mocking EntityFrameworkCore 5 (EFCore5) DbContext and DbSet using Moq
This is test package, do not use in Production
A lightweight Peer to Peer Service Bus
A Moq implementation of IX.Abstractions.
MSpec helper library to write quick tests for projects using Incoding Framework
Enables the Moq's Verify API over the *ILogger* extensions (LogInformation, LogError, etc).
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate Test library version II.
Business Entity Execution Framework (Beef) NUnit extensions for testing (Beef v4.x backwards compatibility only).
Easy Mock wrapper for mocking EntityFrameworkCore 3 (EFCore3) DbContext and DbSet using Moq
eShopWorld common test stack
Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use Moq. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
Moq auto mocking integration for Stashbox.
Automock implementation for Moq using Ninject to create the objects under test.
A microservice testing framework built for .NET Core
Test Helpers for .NET Core