Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MonoGame.Framework.iOS

Total dependencies: 62

MonoGame library for audio management
MonoGame library for menus and game state management
MonoGame library to simplify drawing normal-mapped images
Easily manage the window resolution of an MonoGame project
Manage tap points on a touchscreen game in MonoGame
A very simple particle engine for Monogame projects
A MonoGame lib for sharing gameplay on social media
A MonoGame lib for sharing things on social media
Cocos2D-Mono for iOS
MonoGame library for taking screenshots and exporting gameplay to an animated gif
MonoGame library to easily show messages to the player via toast popups
A MonoGame library for splitting up a 2d game world into cells, used to speed up collision detection etc.
A MonoGame component for doing simple mouse interaction
Quick library for helping to read in content from xml files
Helper classes for wrapping up input from different devices.
Some handy Monogame timer objects that can be used for time effects like hiererchical time, slowdown, speedup, hitpause, etc.
Several helpful extensions methods for the Vector2 class in MonoGame
A finite state machine for Monogame
Put some text on the screen easier with MonoGame
MonoGame library for rendering meters like life and energy bars