Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft TPL Dataflow

Total dependencies: 95

Official Vowpal Wabbit library including C# interface
Contains a custom tool / generator for generating ascx.designer.cs files from ascx files. CPS based projects can re-use this tool.
Client library package for consuming API services for email verification services powered by This package contains both synchronous and parallel processing(async) methods. Async (parallel processing) capabilities are designed for high performance / high throughput applications. Find ...
Package Description
Graphene API allows for a Graphene to be set up in a client server multi tiered configuration where the Graphene client talks to the API instead of the DB directly.
ErrorControlSystem is a .NET library created to automate handling .NET Windows-Base application exceptions and raise that to a sql server. This exception handler have some features as screen capturing, fetch server date time in exception occurrence time and etc.
.NET client for SceneSkope API.
NLog.Contrib.Targets.WebSocketServer is a NLog target that instead of writing on a file, or showing the log on the console, broadcast the log entries to the connected websocket connections. Features: - Fully integrated with NLog: it does not require changes in your application code beyond the con...
A lightweight wrapper around Azure Service Bus.
Stacks - reactive actor/network library
This package is part of the Amarok Framework Library and provides a framework for building applications based on agents and messages.
Stacks Actors- reactive actor/network library
A simple Slack integration library
Lightweight transform framework
Asynchronous LINQ to Objects query processing