Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth

Total dependencies: 370

RelationshipsExtended Helper methods for Kentico MVC
A property editor for Umbraco which looks like the media picker, but lets you search for animated gifs, powered by the Giphy api.
Koben.GoogleSheetsWorkFlow is a workflow class to update Umbraco form data to the Google Spread Sheet.
A sample widget for a video on how to build a Kentico Marketplace component.
Tiny MCE Wysiwyg Rich Text and Edtiable text, plus Wysiwyg inline editor
KobenGoogleSheetWorkFlow is a workflow class to update Umbraco form data to the Google Spread Sheet.
ByUmbraco is a helper to use with Umbraco
Additional functionality for working with an Umbraco database
A content app for Umbraco which lets you use Image Processor to create new images from your media items.
Hangfire scheduled tasks for Umbraco 8
Koben.Kompair.Dashboard is an Umbraco dashboard for the Koben.Kompair library.
Usefull utility functions for Asp.Net Web API 2 projects.
Repository based MVC Framework For Developers
برای آسان سازی ساختاری در کار با هویت سنجی
برای آسان سازی ساختاری در کار با قابلیت هویت سنجی
Common Owin-based web features.
FABRIC8 - Rackspace Cloud Files With Umbraco Rackspace Cloud Files With Umbraco is a plugin that will allow Umbraco sites to utilise Rackspace cloud files over a CDN. This is a one off paid product (£100 + VAT per domain) that requires a key to work on production environments. One key per domain...
FABRIC8's Bulk Change Document Type plugin will allow users to change the document type of their pages hassle free. This is a paid product that requires a key to work on all environments. This plugin can be installed either through Umbraco package manager or through nuget. It is recommended to ins...
This project is effectively a web based cut down LUKE. It allows you to query your examine indexes in the umbraco backoffice.