Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener

Total dependencies: 130

NFinal2 MVC framework.Kestrel Server.
A self-hosted SignalR hub utility for pushing Vega specs to a browser window from F# Interactive.
A Owin Selfhost Console App running a browsy package with internal controller and web resources.
Create self hosted OWIN http server in scriptcs
Web API self hosting for Single Page Application with Angular 2+. Middleware for OWIN pipeline. This application infrasrtucture for SPA on the Web API services.
This will let developers to send and receive sms from their android phones to there .net application. This is especially build for .net window form applications. For more details check out the documentation page You have to only install one app in your android ...
Basic Api Requirements with Owin
Web stack with OWIN, WebApi, SignalR, Autofac, AutoMapper, various utilities and configuration defaults to speed up initial setup efforts
Component to execute jobs in forked processes
Light-weight framework for building micro services
nCode Core
Distributed job queue for .NET powered by Katana and SignalR.
A Nancy Router implementation for mmbot, a C# port of Github's Hubot chat bot
A Nancy Router implementation for mmbot, a C# port of Github's Hubot chat bot
Cronix Web Interface
WebSharper Warp
A SignalR channel implementation for SlimBroker
Shows allows you to quickly spin up a self hosted web server with out of the box support for hosting Web API controllers and static files. Shows uses Simple Injector for dependency injection and NLog for logging.