Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers

Total dependencies: 144

Jolia core libraries, features, extensions, models and more.
Plugin Manager add helpdesk functionality to any website
Plugin Manager display multiple products within a website
Plugin Manager easily add login to any website using a variety of methods including tokens for facebook and google
Plugin Manager add download functionality to any website
ASP.NET Core utilities, such as for working with forms, multipart messages, and query strings. This package was built from the source code at
ASP.NET Core MVC abstractions and interfaces for action invocation and dispatching, authorization, action filters, formatters, model binding, routing, validation, and more. Commonly used types: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IActionResult This package was built from the source code at
ASP.NET Core HTTP server that uses the Windows HTTP Server API. This package was built from the source code at
Plugin Manager user account plugin
Plugin Manager easily manage errors within a website
Plugin Manager add generic company information to any website
ASP.NET Core middleware for returning the results of Health Checks in the application This package was built from the source code at
Proxy to be able to Sync through an ASP.NET CORE application. Choose a Dotmim.Sync provider and protects your database call through web api calls only. this assembly is meant to be used from within your client application and will execute all the http calls
Package Description
An enhanced formatter for multipart/form-data data in ASP.NET Framework Web API 2 & ASP.NET Core Web API. This package can deal with nested properties and files.
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore1 contains one ASP.NET Core 1.X Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
Google legacy Actions SDK and DialogFlow Adapter for v4 of the Bot Builder .NET SDK to allow for a bot to be used for Google Assistant.
Common CSharp extension methods used at andculture
Services that help working between different components in a Blazor application easier. These include interfaces for IStateManager which commits & notifies of data changes. IStoragePersistance which allows objects to be stores in LocalStorage, Session, or Cookies. IMediator which can notify other co...
Helper classes and extensions common across all dotnet core applications.