Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.NETCore.App

Total dependencies: 1778

Real-Time ASP .NET Core
A repository framework for Entity Framework Core
.NET Client for WebSocketManager
An unofficial package for Firebase Auth, supporting creating users, logging in users, and validating tokens through ASP.NET MVC Core.
Combines the original DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.Client and DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ClientAuthorization projects. OAuth 2.0 client support only.
Get msbuild info as cli tool
Provides a big-endian and little-endian BitConverter that convert base data types to an array of bytes, and an array of bytes to base data types, regardless of machine architecture.
A repository framework for Dapper
A tag helper for GitHub's Octicon icon set.
The official dotnet client for the Ingrid API
A repository framework for ReSTful API clients
Localization Session State Request Culture Provider
Permite usar CSV para los reportes.
Permite generar reportes en base a plantillas.
Permite usar HTML para los reportes.
Handy action filters to eliminate/automate ModelState validity check. Edit Add topics
Command line tool used to measure REST API test coverage. Tool takes StoryLine.Rest tests execution report and compares it to API information stored in Swagger document.