Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk

Total dependencies: 273

SpecFlow+Runner - supports SpecRun.SpecFlow and SpecRun.NUnit packages.
Package for writing plugin tests
Web Framework cross platforms based to .net core
Ecng system framework System Framework is a comprehensive collection of system classes designed for the development of connectors under the StockSharp platform.
eShopWorld common test stack
Package Description
This library is used for building business line applications
Preferred dependencies and utilities for automated testing.
Ergonomic Testing for .NET
FluentAssertion.MSTest enables you to fluently perform assertions leveraging Assert.That from MSTest. This is an alternative approach to invasive extension methods suggested using intellisense, but also this helps to have highlighted Assert. start for each assertion.
Enable existing tests to run in a loop without writing a for loop.
This package provides a set of high level helpers for the Uno.UITest framework. This framework can be used to test Uno PlatformWebAssembly apps through the use of Selenuim, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android applications through Xamarin.UITest and Microsoft AppCenter.
SpecsFor is another Behavior-Driven Development framework that focuses on ease of use for *developers* by minimizing testing friction.
Integration of Riganti.Selenium.DotVVM for DotVVM Framework.
some tools for fast developing back-end.
This is a port of popular java UI test automation library called Selenide.
A data driven testing tool for .NET using markdown and YAML.
.NET-based framework for building client-server applications
Web API Testing support
.Net Core Integration Test Essentials: Extensions, Startup Runners, Assertions, Logging