Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.LightSwitch.Client.JavaScript.Runtime

Total dependencies: 5

A reusable LightSwitch control for integrating a Twitter feed into any LightSwitch application. Documentation and a walkthrough on how to use this control can be found at
Adds an ActiveReports report viewer screen to Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML applications.
Includes scripts and stylesheets for using Wijmo 5 controls in Cloud Business Apps.
Includes scripts and stylesheets for using Wijmo widgets in Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML applications.
A basic implementation of an HTML upload control that can be used with a Cloud Business App project, or with any SharePoint Enabled LightSwitch Project. Apply this to your LightSwitch or Cloud Business App HTML Projects. Sample code usage: var myUpload = new SingleUpload(htmlElement, "SharePointA...