Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Identity Protocol Extensions for the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Total dependencies: 70

ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to receive a OAuth bearer token.
This package is a generic OAuth2 authentication provider for using with the BotAuth package in a Bot Framework/BotBuilder Project.
This package is a Azure AD v2 app authentication provider for using with the BotAuth package in a Bot Framework/BotBuilder Project.
This package is a Azure AD v1 app authentication provider for using with the BotAuth package in a Bot Framework/BotBuilder Project.
This package is a Azure AD B2C authentication provider for using with the BotAuth package in a Bot Framework/BotBuilder Project.
This package is the base package for performing OAuth in a bot built with the Bot Framework and BotBuild libraries. It contains based classes for creating and authentication provider and handles the OAuth flow.