Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Graph.Core

Total dependencies: 25

PnP Framework contains the PnP Provisioning engine and a ton of extension methods that will make you more productive while developing for Microsoft 365.
The `Microsoft` authenticates against Azure Active Directory and queries the MSGraph endpoints.
Microsoft Graph Client Library allows you to call Office 365, Azure AD and other Microsoft services through a single unified developer experience.
Microsoft Graph beta client library allows you to target the Microsoft Graph /beta endpoint. You can call Office 365, Azure AD and other Microsoft services through a single unified developer experience.
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
Microsoft Graph Communications Client Core Library - This library builds on the Microsoft.Graph SDK to provide better support for the Communications APIs.
Argumentos para servicios cloud
Mail Service Using Microsoft Graph and Microsoft Account and MVC Core 6.0 View Features
Package Description
Integrate the OneDrive API into your .NET App!
Make it easy to authenticate your app that uses the OneDrive SDK
SebaStudio supports Azure AD authentication, device data caching, cloud data storage, and cloud-device synchronization, based on Azure.
Microsoft Graph Authentication Library implements authentication functionality used by Microsoft Graph Client Library. It provides a set of OAuth scenario-centric providers that implement Microsoft.Graph.IAuthenticationProvider and uses Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to handle access token ...
Adding Send Grid in Email Provider