Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 4231

Library to simplify the hosting of console applications by making it easier to setup dependency injection, logging and configurations.
Hosting support database migrations.
Simple logger using Cerberus
Injects SharpRepository using StructureMap in your .NET Core apps or even using Microsoft.DependencyInjection library.
Enables multitenancy for Asp.Net Core applications
tzxx web development sdk
simple, no database required authentication for ASP.NET Core
The library provides support for integrating ASP.NET Core with the Metrics.NET Library. NOTE: This package is no longer maintained use instead.
ASP.Net vNext ReverseProxy Package
Entity Framework 7 persistence layer for IdentityServer4 -Deprecated- Use TwentyTwenty.IdentityServer4.EntityFrameworkCore
Web application acceleration framework intended to speed up custom web development efforts.
Isop is a library to help simplify and structure command line apps.
EzBus - Messaging made easy!
A container used to host an Orleans Microdot service which uses Ninject for dependency injection. Incoming HTTP calls (via Gigya.Microdot.ServiceProxy) are handled and processed inside Orleans and are then dispatched to specific Grains. Part of the Microdot framework. core .net core 单体应用快速开发框架。