Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

.Net Core Grid for Blazor
DomainWorkflows tracking services
ZarinPal payment gateway driver درگاه پرداخت زرین پال
Share dotnet C# IoC implementation, used at Agoda.
Initial MSSQL membership and roles setup script for DbKeeperNet
SparkPost Integration for .NET Core
A .net framework for developer
ASP.NET Core extensions for Hystrix.Dotnet, the .NET version of the open source Hystrix library built by Netflix.
cloudscribe.SimpleContent.Syndication Class Library
Projeto em andamento. Biblioteca com classes base de infra para arquitetura de microserviços utilizando DDD
Localization PhraseApp implementation for .NET applications
Library containing type definitions and helper utilities for the MCMA framework
EventBus for Zaaby.DDD base by RabbitMQ
A wrapped HttpClient that solves common problems usually not noticed by developers.
Olive Framework
Monitoring extension for Pat to report metrics to Application Insights.
Core dll for Pericia.Storage
Provides an extension method for registering SqlRepo.SqlServer components in IoC container using Microsoft Dependency Injection (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection)
This package contains a range of utility classes to aid application development.
An implementation of ILogger and ILoggerProvider that logs to the database using a pluggable model supporting multiple data platforms. Also proivides an MVC controller for viewing and managing the log data.