Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

The microsoft dependency injection integration library for the singularity ioc container
DryIoc adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Api Library used to access HubSpot
An extension for Telegram.Bot to support dispatching based of filters and Dependency Injection
Asp.Net DI and Scrutor missing features
Applyze utilities for Mobiroller
Base on and add linux support. Add encoding option
Base on and add linux support. Add encoding option.
Package Description
A small client for Kafka
Package Description
An integration package for ML.NET models on scalable web apps and services.
Package Description
Background work utilities for .NET Core apps based on Hosted services. Basis interfaces and helpers.
Package Description
Package Description
HealthChecks.UI.MySql.Storage package contains the required classes to use the MySQL database provider in the UI
Dependency Injection package for common features used throughout the projects.