Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json

Total dependencies: 2342

开源iTdos C#常用开发类库,集成了大量通用方法。如CmdHelper、HttpHelper、ImgHelper、ConfigHelper、FileHelper、EmailHelper、NpoiHelper、IPHelper、EncrypHelper、LogHelper、RegexHelper等。
Workfow Server is a ready-to-use Workflow Engine-based application that you can deploy into your infrastructure. It can be integrated with NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, .NET, or Java applications via a REST API. Workflow Server is a key component for managing the lifecycle of business objects within your enter...
Simplifies the configuration and initialization of AWS Lambda Functions.
Plugin Manager user account plugin
Plugin Manager easily manage errors within a website
Plugin Manager add generic company information to any website
Plugin Manager display multiple products within a website
Plugin Manager easily add login to any website using a variety of methods including tokens for facebook and google
Plugin Manager add download functionality to any website
Plugin Manager add helpdesk functionality to any website
eShopWorld common web artifacts
It is the base/core library required to build Chromely CefGlue/CefSharp apps on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Uilitarios para aplicações core
Portable class library for the LoginRadius V2 APIs to work with LoginRadius APIs and Services. The LoginRadius REST API uses HTTP verbs and a RESTful endpoint structure. Request and response payloads are formatted as JSON.
SharpRepository is a generic repository library
Common .NET Standard Code Extensions
AdoNetAppender for .Net Core log4net people
MicroElements bootstrap contains bootstrapper for .net services.