Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder

Total dependencies: 1543

携程Apollo客户端   与Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration集成请使用Com.Ctrip.Framework.Apollo.Configuration包   与System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager集成(.net 4.7.1及以后版本)请使用Com.Ctrip.Framework.Apollo.ConfigurationManager包   直接使用ApolloConfigurationManager请使用Com.Ctrip.Framework.Apollo.Configuration或者Com.Ctrip.F...
Olive Framework
Plugin Manager Plugin which generates breadcrumbs based on controller method attributes
Plugin Manager Highly optimised localization plugin
Plugin Manager Plugin which monitors Url's and Query/Form input for sql injection attempts. Provides feed back on those "Bad Eggs" why don't play nicely!
Plugin Manager Highly optimised GeoIp plugin
Plugin Manager User Session Manager middleware retains user session information within ASP.Net Core websites
Plugin Manager easily manage multiple caches and access cached data
Longbow Component for .net core 2.0+ & .net framework 4.5+
Settings for using Simple Logging For .NET and .NET Core on the Azure platform. See for usage details.
NetModular utils
Software Pioniere Fx Test Harness
Library provides abstractions for hosting .NET Core services
Plugin Manager Generate sitemaps for a website
`AnyService`'s core based framework that makes it easy to deploy RESTful web services <i>FAST!!</i>
Extensions for running tasks embedded in your ASP.NET Core application. Ideal for cf run-task in Cloud Foundry.
Extensions and helpers to facilitate work with MediatR library.
General utilities and helpers for building ASP.NET Core WEB API
Package Description