Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 812

Package Description
Simple and light bruteforce protection for .NET CORE 3.1+ This Lib will protect defined actions in your controllers in making them inefficient to be bruteforced for simple soulutions. It will append request times in ms if a local cache entry on the server was found for the same request & reques...
This packages provides a built-in website builder and editor and direct integration with the Thinkka Sales and Management package "S.A.M."
Package Description
FIDO2 .NET library (WebAuthn)
Package Description
An HTTP Client handler that caches successful responses and replays them for improving the stability of your testing environment and speeding up your test suite.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using MongoDB. This implementation is based on the official made by Microsoft for SqlServer and Redis. In order to fix an issue in the MongoDB driver using .net core 3.0, this release (2.1.2) upgrades the...
Polly.Caching.IDistributedCache is a plug-in for the .NET OSS resilience library Polly, supporting Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache as a provider for Polly's CachePolicy.
EsWork Libraries
Adds transparent response caching to MediatR request pipeline.
适用于 ASP.NET Core 的 OAuth2 认证中间件,使 Web 应用程序支持用 DingTalk 扫码登录或应用内登录。
This is an add-on to BoltOn NuGet package to support Caching
Oni is a general porpuse framework to simplify some of the app common requirenments such as email, data access, notifications, user management, etc. This package includes the providers for notifications, db queue, healthcheck for mongodb.
This package wraps the Analytics Reporting API making it easier to use.
A lightweight development kit built to help developing applications using .NET Standard.
This is part of the Eurostat's SDMX Web Service implementation