Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp

Total dependencies: 617

Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator is a WebApi C# code generator using a OpenApi 3.0.x specification YAML file.
Generic Data Application Layer - Includes database analyzer and code generation classes.
Helpers & extensions for writing Roslyn analyzers.
A Fast and rich SQL based ORM that does not uses LINQ expressions for sake of readability and performance for NetCore, NetFramework & NetStandard
Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
WaterbutlerHelper is a part of the CoScInE group.
Data transformation and Anaytics library - Machine Learning Functions
Package Description
The C# to Lua compiler, with edits to make it compatible with warcraft III lua maps.
** C# 9.0 ONLY ** Autogenerates public methods from a class . ( replace below single quotes with double quotes) [AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.CallerAtttributes, MethodPrefix ='pub', MethodSuffix ='bup')] partial class Person { public string LastName { get...
The automatic cache generation library for .NET Core
Package Description
Aeon Build Tools Core Library (Contains the actual implementation)
NRefactory supports analysis of C# source code: it includes a parser, abstract syntax tree, type system, semantic analysis (resolver), code completion, and several refactorings. Depends on Roslyn 1.0.0-rc2 packages.
DotVVM is an open source ASP.NET-based framework which allows to build interactive web apps easily by using mostly C# and HTML.
Extensions, helpers and services for all Umbraco websites
This package contains the Azure CosmosDb extension for the testing framework NBi (check at
Plugin host for EtLast ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) library
A client for manage the free open source home automations software Home Assisstant written in .net core 3. Please see for docs.