Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces

Total dependencies: 195

Implements a source generator that fills in common functionality in identifier types.
A lightweight utility library to create a Roslyn AdhocWorkspace from an existing solution`/`csproj.
This package generates extension methods in the style of Reactive Extensions.
TIKSN Cake Addin
Tessa core library for enabling a compilation feature. Useful for most services running on server side.
Core framework library for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Exposes many Roslyn editor services that are currently internal. The version of this package corresponds to the Roslyn packages.
Qulaly is a library that queries Roslyn's C# syntax tree with CSS selector-like syntax.
SpydazWeb Code translator From C# to VB and vice versa
Program library for implementing EmotionSoft.East.ScenarioTest to be called from customized Test Runner UI.
A tool that can generate TypeScript types from C# classes
Experimental utilities to generate code from Avro schemas
Visual studio extensibility package
F# wrapper for Roslyn CodeGeneration API
Used to help support Akka.NET users and developers with common Akka-specific code issues
A lightweight framework for creating unit tests for Roslyn diagnostic analyzers, code fixes and refactorings. This is a of fork Dustin Campbell's library RoslynNUnitLight - this version is a test framework independent.
This package contains a command line version of the Mono Soft Debugger