Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.CSharp

Total dependencies: 3493

Swagger related code reusable in Azure Function Applications.
一个基于GRPC的简单微服务框架 1.服务注册和发现 2.服务自动负载均衡 3.服务端中件间(性能监控[日志],全局错误处理,手动熔断) 4.客户端中件间(认证,超时时间设置) 5.DashBoard(远程调用,手动熔断,日志输出控制) 6.Grpc CodeFirst
S3 Storage Bucket Client with same interface but different credential! Supported services: AWS S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, Azure Blob Storage, GCP Cloud Storage.
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Project created for the sake of creation nuget package.
Library of useful reusable functions and procedures.
Core utility functions for .net core and .net standard projects.
Library implements XACML 1.0/1.1/2.0/3.0-wd17 Supported platforms: - .NET Framework 4.0+ - .NET Standard 1.6+ - .NET Core
BveTrainsim5.7 Syntax parsing library. Bve5.7構文のパーサライブラリです。
Coreforce is an open source .NET Core repository library for Salesforce REST API.
Provides AWS support to the DataPipe platform. Reference this package if you need to read or write to S3 from a data pipe script
A lightweight library for creating simple parsers.
.NET library to convert from Azure Event Hubs Archive Apache Avro files to JSON files.
DotNet implementation of NetFlix Feign ( Integrates with Microsoft DependencyInjection to generate the wrapper code from an interface representing a Rest end point.
Implementation of the Fortuna CPRNG, with various enhancements. To get started, see the MurrayGrant.Terninger.Random.PooledEntropyCprngGenerator class. Or use the 'Terninger' nuget package. See for PGP & Keybase signatures of nuget packages.
Implementation of the Fortuna CPRNG, with various enhancements. Plus a high speed PRNG, and extensions to safely get random integers, doubles, decimals and booleans. To get started, see the MurrayGrant.Terninger.RandomGenerator class. See for PGP & Keybase si...