Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Async

Total dependencies: 602

Manifesto allows developers to quickly and easily create file manifests that can be consumed programmatically. The created manifests contain basic information about the included files. The only required data for a file is its name, though optionally, a hash of the file (using any of the supported...
Additional interfaces and common implementations for Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs
Provides simple handling of transient errors that can occur with any network communication. Retries, intervals, mapping and detection can all be fully customized. Built-in handlers are provided for WCF, WebClient, HttpRequest. Supports .NET 4 and later, Silverlight 4 and 5, Windows Store Apps, and ...
Simple cross-platform locks. Supports .NET 4 and later, Silverlight 4 and 5, Windows Store Apps, and Windows Phone 7 and later.
Recursive Func library for C# (for Windows Phone 7.5 projects)
JsonRPC Portable Class Library
Imaging library that works out of GUI thread and targets PCL (can be used on .NET/ASP.NET/WPF/WP8).
.NET implementation of Pusher. When installing this package, you will have to provide a connection method. For now we only provide a built-in connection method for Windows Store apps and .NET 4.5, new up a Pusher.Connections.WindowsStore.WebsocketConnectionFactory or Pusher.Connections.Net.Websocke...
A small framework for allowing unit tests to be injected into running WPF applications, allowing for simpler UI unit testing.
An extension to Common.Logging that enables batched processing of log information
this is only for ctrip based on StackExchange.Redis
Mef adaptation of the Cannoli framework that has its own Prism bootstrapper.
РИКРОП Framework.
NxtLib Class Library