Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions

Total dependencies: 66

Connect your Azure Function to your Mqtt broker! This package enables you to: * Trigger an Azure Function based on a MQTT Subscription * Publish a message to a MQTT topic as a result of an Azure Function. For more information, please visit
Package Description
An Application Insights tracer extension for the WebJob SDK
RabbitMQ extension for Azure WebJobs.
Simplify creation of Azure Function to catch Complete & Reject message from your Iot Hub client.
a simple auth provider (non standard) to deploy on azure functions
Adds helpers to easily bootstrap into a webjobs or azure functions application by just using the correct extension method. This adds additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
Azure data lake file watcher extension for azure function and azure web job which will keep monitoring your file
Extension for NetStandard to process an event store subscription in a webjob.
An assembly for extending ILogger activities.
This provides a script pack to emulate Azure Functions on developers' local machine.
Tools for genearting API documentiation using OpenApi/Swagger specifications
Cognitive Services Extensions for Azure Functions
Set of Azure Function Extensions. Currently bindings: - Redis - HttpCall - EventGrid - Azure SignalR
Azure SignalR bindings for Azure Functions
Redis bindings for Azure Functions
Enable LISTEN command in PostgreSQL to be used as Azure Webjob trigger