Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Azure Storage Blob

Total dependencies: 195

Package Description
ACME utilities for certificates renewal in Pacem Ecosystem.
Centralized configuration management support for .Net. back to blazer
Package Description
A tool to log text or object.ToString(), then save to azure blob storage.
Azure Storage implementation of TTG Storage
EventStore on Azure Table/Blob Storage with custom bindings for Azure Functions
This package provides abstractions to create durable statemachines ontop of durable functions
Create and execute policies to automate the management of your task board
A set of general utilities suitable for any .net project. These utilities include, string, image, cryptography, http client, number base utility.
IronBox DX REST client
AsNet.Shared.Azure es una librería que contiene funcionalidad para administración de Azure Storage Shared Files. Posee metodos sincronos y asincronos para el upload y download de archivos.
Provides a Lucene.Net index Directory which persists data in Azure Blobs. Use the 0.* packages when you need to target Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob, and the 1.x packages when the newer Azure.Storage.Blobs is to be targeted.
Allow users to upload to Azure blob storage and track upload history with this Razor Class Library
General .net Azure storage Extensions, Can be used in any kind .net programs
Enables WinForms apps to check for a new version of an installer, download and launch it
.NET client library for the OneCompute Platform REST API
Azure Blob Storage file provider for ASP.NET Core.