Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus

Total dependencies: 309

Azure Service Bus transport for Whitestone Cambion
Send Telemetry To BizTrack EventHub or ServiceBus
This package enables to validate messages against schemas, through Azure ServiceBus SDK.
Azure Service Bus adapter for GivePenny SimpleEventBus. SimpleEventBus is an opinionated .NET Standard library to glue Azure Service Bus to message handler classes, with a slant towards event-orientated messaging.
Microsoft ServiceBus based implementation of DynamicQueue framework for .Net Core.
Package Description
Argumentos para servicios cloud
EventBus outbox integration and eventually consistency in microservice architectures.
.NET library with message queue abstractions.
This library provides Azure Service Bus implementations of the Solid Instruments messaging abstractions.
Azure Library
Scalable memory caching
Asynchronous messaging using Microsoft Azure.
A Reactive Cloud Actor library/mini-framework
Service Library for IndieGamesLab server components
Azure service bus messaging queue abstraction implementation for building testable applications.
A unit testing framework for Azure logic apps