Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost

Total dependencies: 135

Advanced application hosting framework
Unit test, integration test and functional test helpers. Includes mocked HttpContext, ActionContext, UserManager and SignInManager. Also includes startup extensions to assert that services has been registered and some extension methods to modify security policies (like bypass a policy).
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Achve.TestHost is a nuget package to improve TestServer experiences. For more information see
Identity Server 4 testing helper for .NET Core.
Package Description
Loopback integration testing for .NET Core WebAPI projects
A set of helper classes that we use in our projects
Provides decorator of Kestrel HTTP server for implementing the HMVC pattern in .NET Core applications.
A dead simple static site generator, with no features, for .NET.
Provides various classes that assist with .NET Core 3 unit testing.
A helper library for implementing Pact tests using Bekk.Pact.Provider package