Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson

Total dependencies: 411

A library to help you provide an ASP.NET Core implementation of the Open Service Broker API. This specification allows developers, ISVs, and SaaS vendors a single, simple, and elegant way to deliver services to applications running within cloud native platforms such as Cloud Foundry, OpenShift, and ...
.NET Core核心类库
Common the e-commerce domain functionality
ComponentOne Controls for ASP.NET Core MVC Edition
ComponentOne Controls for ASP.NET Core MVC Edition
ComponentOne Controls for ASP.NET Core MVC Edition
ComponentOne Controls for ASP.NET Core MVC Edition
Admin panel for .NET apps that give you DB persisted job scheduling and management, beautiful metrics dashboard, CRUD interface, and more!
Package for creating a companion Web API which allows you to easily create backend repositories for front-end collections in RapidCMS WebAssembly. RapidCMS is a Blazor framework which allows you to build a responsive and flexible CMS purely from code.
Razor Components technology server types and implementations for EasyDataCore infrastructure
I-Synergy Framework AspNetCore for .net 8.0
A vendor server SDK to help authenticate using the Tide ecosystem.
Razor Components for facebook social accounting
Package Description
Package Description
This package contains the full-stack build for
GoldenEye is a Full Stack framework written in .NET Core. The main goal of GoldenEye is to speed up your development process. It gathers most widely used frameworks in .NET world and pack them into a simple bootstrap Nuget packages. It also provide set of base classes, helpers, extensions that will ...
Library to build Kastra website
A client for manage the free open source home automations software Home Assisstant written in .net core 3. Please see for docs.
Powerful, easy to use web management tool for Quartz.NET