Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting

Total dependencies: 632

Microservice host redistributable library that includes generic intefaces for starting, stoping and executing custom workflows as part of the service lifecycle.
An Unobtrusive Multitenancy helper for (new or existing) Asp.Net Core project The goal of this project is to add the multitenancy functionality to an ASP.NET Core application (existing or new) without modification (or very little) of code. It's support multitenant DI ,sandbox services, etc...
UI allowing exposure to the current state of the Microphobia instance.
Long Running Process Execution in Dotnet. Runs long running processes in the background of your application allowing you to fire and forget any long running processes you may need to execute. The core elements that make Microphobia work.
Net Core development essentials. Collection of reusable code for my .net core projects. This package contains the web components.
Allows the hosting of Crest endpoints as an ASP .NET website.
Register your api with Consul service registry. Use service discovery, key value store from consul and etc. Usage => In "Startup.cs" file In "ConfigureServices" Method add following line services.AddConsulClient(Configuration); //Configuration is ICounfiguration object mapped to json config fil...
Aurochses.Database.EntityFrameworkCore is a library for creating database projects.
NLog.AspNetCore.TargetGelf for GrayLog
Improved api to start any api project.
Provides support of exposing application health checks in .NET Core applications.
A middleware for authentication with badge for asp net core
Created Nuget package
Created Nuget package
Secure Token Service, IdentityBase web interface
MVC Razor Tag Helper that inlines stylesheets and scripts into HTML markup.