Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2

Total dependencies: 691

Common web components for Fynix system
To setup a web framework to start working with, SPA and angularjs and common layout
Sail Web Helper
Server side extensions for WebApi 5.2 with EF6, oData v4 and Json.NET;
Server side extensions for WebApi 5.2 with EF6, oData v4 and Json.NET; Client side js library for jQuery >=2.1 and bootstrap >=3.0
Yomego loves Umbraco, but not so much the way the whole thing kind of ignores how Mvc works. We have built this framework for our own use, but if you fancy using it, give it a whirl. It has custom builds of both Ditto and uSync in which we also love, so much kudos to those guys too for...
Extension for Microsoft.Owin and other custom Attributes to aid in customizing Authentication and Attributes.
Hypertheory Web Api Unity Dependency Resolver
Base classes for serving Opc data onto the web.
Common libraries for crux applications